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Experience Life With a Full Cup – Hybrid Medical Massage with Liz Buuck!

Liz Buuck is a licensed massage therapist and healing arts practitioner. For as long as she can remember, she has appreciated the benefits of massage and bodywork. Following her passion, she attended Carrington College in Boise, earning an Associate of Science Degree in Massage Therapy. As a life-long learner, Liz continues to adopt new healing modalities and incorporates them into her massage sessions. Her mission is to holistically improve and maintain her client’s physical and mental health, and through her work, she reminds the body that it can heal itself. 

What is Hybrid Medical Massage & What Does it Treat?

hybrid medical massage liz buuck deep tissue

Medical massage aims to achieve better function for the individual. The goal is to combine unique modalities to ensure the best results. Medical massage is outcome-based and targets specific problems, such as migraines, TMJD, frozen shoulder syndrome, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, sciatica, piriformis syndrome, and plantar fasciitis. Medical massage therapists understand and work with people who suffer from the symptoms of these conditions. 

What are the Differences Between Deep Tissue & Deep Pressure Massage?

hybrid medical massage liz buuck deep tissue

It’s important to note that “deep tissue” and “deep pressure” are not the same. Deep pressure refers to the level of force placed on the body, while deep tissue relates to applications that reach the deeper structures without necessarily applying intense pressure. A massage does not need to be painful to be productive. In fact, some of the most effective relief can come from a lighter touch. When too much pressure is used, the body is likely to tense up or guard against the painful feeling, negating the intention of the massage. 

Deep Tissue Techniques & Tools

Rather than applying the deepest pressure possible, alternative tools achieve relief without inflicting unnecessary pain and tissue damage. 

Deep Tissue Method

Deep tissue method includes trigger point therapy–a soft tissue technique that releases painful points in muscles that are often referred to as “knots.” Friction is periodically applied to create heat. Direct pressure on the knot may be applied to the knots until they release or as tolerated by the recipient. 

Resistance Stretching (Also Known as PNF)

proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation resistance stretching

In addition to trigger point therapy, various forms of stretching and passive range of motion aim to improve posture and flexibility, increase circulation, and reduce pain. One of these varieties involves Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF), also known as resistance stretching. This method “resets” muscle memory, improves athletic performance and promotes tissue repair. 

Pin & Stretch (Also Known as ART)

Another effective stretching technique is “pin and stretch,” also known as Active Release Therapy (ART). It is facilitated by “locking” an area of tissue or pinning it in place while lengthening or stretching the same region of the body. The results of these motions reduce restrictions located within the muscles.

Cupping Therapy

cupping therapy massage

Along with stretching practices, cupping therapy is a method that does not require heavy force. This therapy creates negative pressure with the aid of suction cups. By comparison, traditional massage compresses the muscles against the skeleton, while cupping lifts and decompresses tissues, creating space between layers, thus increasing blood and lymph in the area. Other effects include aligning fascia, loosening adhesions or restrictions, softening scar tissue, reducing inflammation, and releasing waste products from the body. The amount of suction can be adjusted, as cupping should never be painful! 

Gua Sha

Further complementary treatment may involve Gua Sha, also known as scraping–a method of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization. Gua Sha treats chronic pain and tension all over the body and uses a smooth-edged tool to scrape the skin in long, downward strokes. 

Note: both cupping therapy and Gua Sha often produce marks on the skin. They can vary in color and shape and appear due to the release of waste products from the body. The areas may be sensitive; however, they are not like typical bruises, but due to cellular debris and pathogenic factors pulled to the surface and cleared by the lymphatic and circulatory systems. 

Deep Tissue Isn’t For Everyone

If deeper or targeted work is not desired, relaxation and stress relief methods that call for light-to-medium pressure are graciously offered. Swedish massage is gentler than deep tissue and better suited for people interested in unwinding and relieving tension. Reflexology and Acupressure use varying pressure to specific points on the feet, hands, and even the head. Clients may also experience detailed scalp and facial techniques for migraines, TMJD, and sinus pain, or for those seeking ultimate tranquility. Sessions may include essential oils for mental, emotional, and physical support. 

Additional Benefits for Hybrid Massage & Bodywork

Ultimately, whole-person healing is the intention for hybrid massage and bodywork sessions. Clients report better sleep and relief from post-operative pain. The variety of techniques eases symptoms of depression by decreasing cortisol and boosting serotonin and oxytocin, thus creating harmony within the mind, body, spirit, and emotions. Regular sessions may lower blood pressure and lessen chronic stress. 

The Healing Power Massage & Bodywork

Before every treatment, a health consultation determines what, where, and how to focus on each person. After the intake, a customized therapy is curated to meet their individual needs. Liz is careful not to call herself a “healer,” as her mission is to remind the body that it can heal itself–she merely opens the door to healing. 

Who can Most Benefit From a Hybrid Massage Approach?

Since each session is tailored to the individual, the hybrid approach is appropriate for nearly all body types and life stages. Geriatric, pediatric, and prenatal clients are welcome! There is no such thing as a “cookie cutter” massage regarding Liz’s services. 

Various Types of Healing Arts

Table-Thai Massage

table thai massage assisted stretching

Manual massage is just one of the many healing arts clients may receive. An alternative to traditional massage is Table-Thai Massage, a form of assisted stretching that is like practicing yoga, but the practitioner moves the recipient’s body. Assisted stretching provides more release to muscles than is achieved by self-stretching. Breath and movement are synchronized using the body’s subtle cues. 

This work improves joint range of motion, increasing circulation and lengthening muscles without over-stretching them. Table-Thai is an excellent addition to one’s yoga practice and is an adjunct therapy to any massage regimen. This modality is performed on a massage table, and the recipient remains clothed for the session. 


reiki boise meridian idaho

The physical body is just one aspect of a person that benefits from therapy. One’s subtle energy or spiritual health may need a “boost” to restore equilibrium. Reiki is a Japanese healing art for stress relief and relaxation that positively influences these energies. This modality promotes general well-being and balance of physical, mental, and emotional health. Reiki is based on the idea that a “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s energy is imbalanced, one is more likely to get sick or feel stressed; if it is balanced, one is more capable of being happy and healthy. During a Reiki treatment, life force energy is guided via gentle touch along the body. Sessions include guided meditation, essential oils, and sound therapy.

How to Experience Massage Therapies at Home

Home treatments are necessary for maintenance between bodywork sessions. Using a foam roller facilitates self-myofascial release. This practice helps relieve muscle tightness and soreness, reduces inflammation, and increases joint range of motion. Another helpful tool recommended is a percussion or massage “gun” to help ease muscle tension and improve circulation. 

Personal Experience & Self-Care

Massage and bodywork are often tiring and physically demanding for even skilled practitioners. Liz recognizes the limitations of her own body and understands what it’s like to give from an empty cup. However, she has found that self-care is an important dimension of her work. This practice allows her to feel less pain and stress by promoting peace and calming her nervous system. Receiving regular massages and practicing yoga nurtures Liz’s physical and mental health while maintaining her flexibility, strength, and endurance. She has more stamina to get through her day and the energy to spend with her husband and daughter. 

I invite you to experience life with a full cup.
You deserve the same care and compassion that you freely give to others!

– Liz buuck

Does Insurance Cover Massage Therapy?

Although clients receive relief from various medical conditions, Liz does not accept insurance. However, receipts with CPT codes are available for HSP or FSA reimbursement. Clients are encouraged to check their insurance plans for massage benefits and coverage.

How to Schedule an Appointment if This Approach to Massage Therapy is Right for You

Liz offers her services at Body Calm Studio in Meridian, Idaho. To schedule a session with her, clients may call or text 208-914-0910 or request an appointment online: http://www.bodycalmstudio.com. Be sure to ask for Liz Buuck, as two therapists named Liz are at the studio.

Commitment to Safety

Some practices may not be appropriate for everyone and will be discussed before treatment. If clients choose to experience these therapies, they must understand the potential effects and after-care recommendations. 

Massage and healing arts are not substitutes for medical or psychological diagnosis or treatment. Proper evaluation is recommended by a licensed physician or healthcare professional for any ailment they may have. 

Resources & Tools for Continued Learning About Massage Therapy

Liz recommended checking out this article to learn more about the many reasons to get a massage!

Lasting Thoughts on Hybrid Medical Massage

Thank you again to Liz for taking the time to share her story and for educating us on the different approaches to massage therapy and the healing arts. I was grateful to learn that there are so many more styles of massage available to us, and we can choose what is best for us based on our goals and objectives. So whether it’s to relax and de-stress, or for a more functional, medical approach, if you’re local to the Boise area, I highly recommend connecting with Liz to experience her amazing gift of massage therapy. It truly of the the best massages I’ve experienced in my entire life! Thanks again Liz!

In wellness,

Liz & Jeanna 

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