Transforming Your Mind for Better Health: From Negative to Positive

Did you know that on any given day, your mind is busy with thousands of thoughts? Research shows that the average person has around 60,000 thoughts every single day. 

Unfortunately, not all of those thousands of thoughts are positive – research has shown that on average 80% of our thoughts are negative, and that 95% of those thoughts are repeated thoughts from the day before. 

You might be wondering why our brains are wired like this. Well, here’s the reason: our brain is like a “survival machine” that’s always on the lookout to keep us safe. This innate ability to detect potential threats is undoubtedly beneficial. However, this heightened sensitivity to and focus on negatives can accumulate over time.

When we’re just cruising through life without giving our thoughts a second thought, we’re basically allowing negative thoughts to run around unnoticed. These sneaky negative thoughts, often referred to as Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs), not only influence our daily thoughts and emotions but, over time, can also impact on our overall mental and physical health.

80% of the average person's thoughts are negative statistic

With this new perspective, let’s work towards transforming your mind for better health from negative to positive! Imagine if we could flip just 1% of those 48,000 negative thoughts to positive. What a difference that could make in our lives – 4,800 more positive thoughts!

I’ve researched and gathered some of my favorite tools that can help us go from downbeat to upbeat!

Note: while you may be tempted to simply read or skim these tools, if you truly want to start combating negative thoughts, you have to put this knowledge into action. I’ve provided suggestions on how you can apply each tool right now! 

1. Awareness of Thought Patterns: 

First things first – let’s catch those negative thought patterns in action. Once we’re onto them, we can start working on changing them. Awareness is the first step! 

  • Apply right now: think of something you’ve been wanting to achieve but haven’t been able to. When you think of the goal, and a negative thought pops up – that is the limiting belief holding you back. From there imagine ways to overcome that belief, understanding it’s just a belief – and it’s not necessarily true.

2. Positive Thinking: 

You’ve heard it before and for good reason – intentionally cultivating positive thoughts can have a profound impact on mental and emotional well-being. It’s not about ignoring negative feelings, but about looking at situations from a more constructive angle. 

  • Apply right now: reframe negative thoughts using a growth mindset, for example: instead of feeling like a failure, understand that failing is part of the process and each time you fail, it’s an opportunity to learn and get better – and each failure gets you closer to your goal! 

3. Mindfulness Meditation: 

I think it’s sometimes misunderstood and we believe that while meditating we need to “clear” our minds and try not to think. Mindfulness meditation is different, it helps us become mind detectives, noticing our thoughts without judgment, and spot thought patterns. 

  • Apply right now: close your eyes and take a couple deep breaths. Closing your eyes will quiet your logical mind and deeper thoughts will emerge. Observe without judgment. When you notice a negative thought, be curious and compassionate with yourself. Ask, what does this thought want me to learn? What do I feel about this thought?

4. Gratitude: 

A little “thank you” goes a long way – to others and yourself! Studies say that being grateful can actually make us healthier – mentally and physically. When you express gratitude, it’s letting the recipient know you appreciate them and can encourage more of that positive behavior.

  • Apply right now: Make a list of 8 things you’re grateful for. It can be as simple as, “I’m grateful I woke up this morning!” Make an intention to make a list each day of things you are grateful for, and your mind will rewire over time to focus on gratitude! 

5. Journaling: 

Grab a pen and some paper, and have a heart-to-heart with yourself. Writing down our thoughts can help us spot patterns and figure out what’s really going on in our minds. 

When you journal, try something new – close your eyes to encourage subconscious thoughts to surface and see what comes up – accept all thoughts with curiosity and compassion!

  • Apply right now: Some of my favorite journaling prompts – make a list of emotions you’re feeling. For positive emotions – express gratitude. For negative emotions – if you’re able to, allow yourself to feel the feeling to enable the body to process it. While feeling, ask yourself “what is this emotion trying to teach me?” 
Journaling for mental wellness

6. Self-Compassion: 

Treat yourself like you would your 5-year-old self – with love and kindness. You’re doing your best with what you’ve got, and giving yourself grace and patience can feel really amazing!

  • Apply right now: express gratitude for things you’re proud of about yourself. It may feel awkward at first, but thanking yourself is quite powerful. If you’re feeling down, look in the mirror and give yourself a high five! Read about how that impacts your brain here

7. Physical Activity: 

Moving our bodies isn’t just good for our muscles – it’s a superhero move for our minds too. Studies say that exercise can be even better than talking to someone (e.g., a friend or therapist) or even taking meds when it comes to feeling better. 

Start small if you need to, but make a goal to incorporate 15 minutes of activity into your daily routine and see how it makes a difference in how you feel!

  • Apply right now: take 5 minutes and take a quick walk or do some stretches. Move the static energy in your body to feel rejuvenated!

8. Healthy Lifestyle Choices: 

Our bodies are like super cool repair shops, always working to heal and move towards balance (a.k.a. homeostasis). If we give them the right fuel (like healthy food), enough rest (hello, sleep!), and plenty of hydration, they’ll work wonders on our overall mental and physical health.

  • Apply right now: this one is easy – drink a glass of water!

9. Professional Help: 

Sometimes, our thoughts can be a bit like a tangled ball of yarn. If they’re getting too overwhelming, it’s totally okay to reach out to a certified therapist to help you unravel through your thoughts.

There are many types of approaches available to get the experience and outcomes you want – consider some powerful approaches or modalities like Internal Family Systems, Accelerated Resolution Therapy, and Neurofeedback. You can find a comprehensive list of approaches and descriptions here.

Final thoughts for encouragement:

Friend, when we know better, we can do better. So let’s take those negative thoughts and learn what they’re trying to teach us so we can move into a more positive state. From building self-awareness, to mediation, journaling, and practicing gratitude, your mind will thank you, your body will thank you, and life will be on a more empowered track!

Remember! Knowledge alone does nothing for you. Apply what you read RIGHT NOW for positive change! If you absolutely don’t have time right now, make a mental plan to incorporate one or more of these tools into your morning and/or evening routine! Over time you will see positive shifts in your life!

You got this – turn some of those negative thoughts into positive ones today! 

In wellness,

Jeanna Rice

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